HOMER Training, 21 May 2019
About HOMER Software
Learn how energy modeling with HOMER software can reduce your financial risk and help you identify the most cost-effective system configuration. The comprehensive reports that are produced in the HOMER modeling process are also an excellent communications tool, bridging the gap between project developers, engineers, financial professionals, utility personnel and others.
Whether you are designing a solar+storage system, or one that includes CHP, diesel generators, wind or other components, the HOMER software can help you calculate the complex tradeoffs that are part of any hybrid energy system.
Originally developed over twenty-five years ago at the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the HOMER software has become a global standard for engineering and financial analysis of hybrid distributed energy projects, whether off-grid or grid-tied.
HOMER Pro is enormously versatile and can model anything from a building to an entire city. It is ideal for modeling a broad variety of hybrid projects including remote off-grid and island systems.
About the HOMER training at the 4th Hybrid Power Systems Workshop
This course will be taught by Dr. Peter Lilienthal, co-founder and CEO of HOMER Energy, and the original developer of the HOMER software at NREL.
It is an in-depth, full-day introduction to the HOMER software. After taking this course, participants will be able to do their own analysis with HOMER, and have a good understanding of the simulation-optimization-sensitivity analysis paradigm, which is at the core of the HOMER software. In particular, participants will be able to:
- Integrate solar, wind and storage in an island microgrid model
- Evaluate the financial benefits of adding storage to a hybrid system with PV and diesel backup
- Explore the sensitivity of a least cost system design to key variables, such as interest rates and diesel fuel prices.
- Explore the financial, service quality, and environmental implications of 100% renewable systems
Attendees will not only learn how to analyze these systems, but understand the tools in HOMER for communicating their findings with others and selling their design concepts to financiers.
What to bring:
Participants should bring their own laptop. HOMER software runs on the Windows operating system so if you have a Mac, we recommend installing Parallels. Parallels is a virtual machine software and has a free three-week trial. It allows you to install the Windows operating system on your Mac laptop.
9:00 – 10:30 Session I:
- Introduction to HOMER Pro’s Approach to Simulation, Optimization, & Sensitivity Analysis
- HOMER Pro’s User Interface
- Conducting a Prefeasibility or Conceptual Analysis
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30 Session II:
- Refining your analysis with real data
- HOMER’s Component Library
- Choosing between HOMER’s 2 optimization algorithms
12:30 – 1:30 Lunch
1:30 – 3:00 Session III
- HOMER’s Cost tables and economic analyses
- Reviewing detailed results
3:00 – 3:30 Coffee Break
3:30 – 5:00 Session IV
- Modeling larger systems with multiple generators
- Operating reserve
- Deferrable loads
The training is not included in the regular registration fee but has to be booked separately. The price is 540.00 Euro incl. 24% V.A.T. To register, please click here.
The HOMER Training can only booked via the online registration platform in combination with a ticket for the 4th Hybrid Power Systems Workshop.
In case you would like to register for the training only, please contact us at info@hybridpowersystems.org