
Would you like to know what to expect at the 9th International Hybrid Power Plants & Systems Workshop on the Åland Islands? Learn about the benefits and share them with your professional network, e.g. on Social Media:


Feedback from Previous Participants


Message from the Organizer:

„High share of renewables in isolated power systems is possible and is already today a cost competitive solution for many island power systems around the world. This is the perfect event to share knowledge and experience with industry and academic experts and also the ideal opportunity for networking.“

Dr. Thomas Ackermann, Energynautics, Organizer


Messages from Attendees:

„As a TSO like TransnetBW, we are interested in microgrids and experiences with island grids [..]. And, we can learn a lot from these environments. This can be a test environment, for example, for the use and control of a battery storages, when we can implement these advantages and experiences to our system and to our larger system in the future.“

Jonas Lotze; TransnetBW, Germany

„Attending this conference is something that I’ve enjoyed for many years now. Professionally, this is a great opportunity to learn the latest of what’s going on in the world. Particularly in island power systems, which is one of my technical interests and one of my professional specialties. So it’s the best really.“

Nicholas W. Miller; HickoryLedge, USA

„I really like that this event is really focused, that it is based on these islanded power systems and that you get to know people from other, similar islands and you get to share all of your experiences with them. And it’s a bit different because if you are in a broader, general power system conference, there are a lot of issues, that are not addressed, which are seen in smaller systems.“

Helma Maria Tróndheim; SEV, Faroe Islands

„The topics on this workshop are very interesting for our day to day operations. They are topics that we face, being a local utility on the Azores islands.“

Paulo André; EDA, Azores/Portugal

„I think this event is very interesting because you have so broad topics from academic and technical world to the real cases and real case studies. And, you can you can meet all of those people in the same event.“

Johan Ågren; Wärtsilä Energy, Finland