Call for Papers – Late abstracts welcome!
The official Call for Papers has been closed as of 15 January 2023.
If you wish to submit a late abstract, just contact us per email.
- Abstract submitters have been notified about the acceptance of their papers on 13 February 2023.
- Final papers must be submitted online until 24 April 2023.
- As the conference language is English, all abstracts and papers have to be written in English.
- All participants are responsible for paying their own travel and hotel expenses.
Ready for submission?
Send your Late Abstract per email.
1. Hybrid Power Plants (HPPs)
Power-generating facilities combining variable renewable energy sources (e.g. wind and solar), with or without storage, and sharing the same substation/point of common coupling. This workshop looks into such issues as how to maximize the utilisation of the grid connection capacity, how to establish HPPs in the regulatory framework (network codes) or how to develop control concepts to maximize renewable energy feed.
2. Hybrid Power/Energy Systems (HESs)
Combination of different types of generation, storage, and consumption technologies in a single system with at least one type of generation being renewable, including systems that are 100% based on renewable energy [e.g., solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind], or combine different energy storage systems (e.g., BESSs, fuel cells, and supercapacitors). Typically found on islands and remote places such as mines.
Hybrid Power Plant Design Options (Combined Wind &Solar plus may be storage as a power plant connected to a grid)
Project Experience and Case Studies: Hybrid Power Plants
System Modelling and Simulation: Hybrid Power Plants
Storage Design and Sizing
Standards and relevant Grid Codes for Hybrid Power Plants
Intelligent Control and Grid Stabilization
Resource Assessment and Forecasting
Managing Variability and Uncertainty
Remote Mining and Tourist Applications
Hydrogen and Hybrid Power Plants
Hybrid Power Systems Design Options (Island Power Systems)
Hybrid Power System Technologies
Project Experience and Case Studies: Hybrid Power Systems
System Modelling and Simulation: Hybrid Power Systems
Pico-/Mini-/Micro-Grid Systems Design
Intelligent Control and Grid Stabilization
Managing Variability and Uncertainty
Load Assessment Strategies
Standards and relevant Grid Codes for Hybrid Power Systems
Regulatory Challenges related to Hybrid Power Systems
Protection Issues for Hybrid Power Systems
Design of Energy Management Systems for Hybrid Power Systems
Economic Evaluation of Hybrid Power Systems
Ancillary Services in Hybrid Power Systems
Hydrogen and Hybrid Power Systems
- system planners and designers
- operators of small systems
- project developers and consultants
- universities and research institutes
- regulators and NGOs
- technology vendors of distributed variable generation & storage technology